Monday, June 2, 2008

Philly Homes

Today I found out I'll be moving to Philly fo sho. The first thing I did was call my supervisor, Phoebe, and told her what was going on. She was happy to know that I'll actually be leaving, so was Mr. Ashley. I made a couple more calls and then I realized I needed to find a place to live and so I started looking on Craigslist. I found a cool little sublet near Penn and it's near all the action and stuff. I bought a ticket for the train, I figure I could take all my stuff and my bike a lot cheaper than on the plane. So I think I'm ready to leave.
Some other good stuff also happened. I found out Erin is leaving Mozza so that she can follow her dream of being the most spontaneous person I know. Katrina and I went to Ching Chong Chinatown and we ate at Yang Chow. I guess they're filming "Crank 2" and so there were tons of trucks and starwagons around. When we into the restaurant there was a wrap party for a new movie and so they had to sit us in the back room. The back room means we get really bad service. Overall dinner was pretty horrible. While on the metro on the way home we had the craziest ride. First there was a lady that had a bad case of the crazies, she laughed for about 12 stops, I think she peed on herself. Two trannies were trying to pick up some guys and one of them almost fell. Towards the end of the ride one of the trannies was mad dogging Katrina and was making stank faces, Katrina was scared because she told me "Walk behind me in case that bitch goes crazy". Nothing happened.

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